TRINTELLIX is a prescription medicine used in adults to treat a certain type of depression called Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). TRINTELLIX has not been shown to be safe and effective for use in children.
Patient portrayal.
Individual results may vary.
MDD impacts more than your mood—it can have emotional, physical, and cognitive symptoms.
I’m ready to learn more about MDD for myself or a loved one
I'm ready to find out more about TRINTELLIX
I've been prescribed
TRINTELLIX and want to know what to expect when getting started
Major Depressive Disorder is anything but simple—it is a complex condition that varies from person to person.
MDD is more than just sadness and has multiple symptoms. This checklist can help you better understand yours.
MDD patients
Get an inside look at the lives of real MDD patients, and how they worked with their doctor to manage their MDD.
Get a personalized guide to support a conversation with your doctor about whether TRINTELLIX may be right for you.
It's important to know the possible side effects of a treatment when considering your options.
Get an inside look at the lives of real MDD patients, and how they worked with their doctor to manage their MDD.
and support
Eligible patients may pay as little as $10 for either a 30-day or 90-day prescription with the TRINTELLIX Savings Card.†
†Restrictions apply.
Get an inside look at the lives of MDD patients, and how they worked with their doctor to manage their MDD.
Stay connected
Sign up for tips, advice, information and patient stories to help you on your treatment journey.
The TRINTELLIX Savings & Support Program
Did you know you may pay as little as $10 for either a 30‑day or
90‑day prescription with the TRINTELLIX Savings Card?**
Even if you're not currently prescribed TRINTELLIX, you can still receive support. By enrolling in tAccess (at no cost to you), you can customize your experience through support tools like chats with an advisor, texts and emails.
*All TRINTELLIX patients can join the tAccess Support Program. Only commercially insured patients ages 18 and older are eligible for the TRINTELLIX Savings Card. The TRINTELLIX Savings Card cannot be used by patients in federal-, state-, or government-funded healthcare programs, or by cash patients. Savings of up to $100 per 30-day or $300 per 90-day prescription, with maximum total savings of $1,300 over one year. Restrictions apply. See Savings Card for full Eligibility Requirements and Terms & Conditions.
The TRINTELLIX Savings & Support Program
Did you know you may pay as little as $10 for either a 30‑day or
90‑day prescription with the TRINTELLIX Savings Card?**
Even if you're not currently prescribed TRINTELLIX, you can still receive support. By enrolling in tAccess (at no cost to you), you can customize your experience through support tools like chats with an advisor, texts and emails.
*All TRINTELLIX patients can join the tAccess Support Program. Only commercially insured patients ages 18 and older are eligible for the TRINTELLIX Savings Card. The TRINTELLIX Savings Card cannot be used by patients in federal-, state-, or government-funded healthcare programs, or by cash patients. Savings of up to $100 per 30-day or $300 per 90-day prescription, with maximum total savings of $1,300 over one year. Restrictions apply. See Savings Card for full Eligibility Requirements and Terms & Conditions.
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